Emergency Relief

Heart & Soul Group

Heart and Soul Group is a Volunteer-based food relief group that has now grown to assist over 3000 people every single week. They distribute free fruit, veg, bakery and pantry items to attendees.

Fresh fruit and vegetables, bakery and pantry items are available for attendees to choose for themselves. Discounted snack foods and other extras are available to be purchased from the dollar tables.

Our Food Relief Centres are as follows:

Monday to Friday at 10am to 2pm, Heart & Soul Group Warehouse, 30 Fourth St, Wingfield

Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm, Colonnades Shopping Centre (Opposite Colonnades Tavern in the Square)


If you are unable to attend our Free Food Markets and require food assistance, they home deliver ($15 Processing Fee applies)!

You can order a free food hamper via our online store, by clicking here:


Low Cost Meals & Meal Kits

Are you looking for a healthy and nutritious low cost meal or meal kit? For more information, see location details.

Emergency Relief

The Salvation Army Doorways

In Australia, The Salvation Army financial relief services are run according to the Doorways philosophy. Doorways provides emergency relief and holistic case management with referral to internal and external support services.

Doorways aims to support people as they seek to make changes in their lives. We believe everyone has the capacity to change and Doorways caseworkers walk alongside people as they develop plans to achieve their goals.

We also work towards identifying and solving the issues contributing to long-term economic hardship. To do this, we continuously support and train our team to ensure that support services are of the highest quality.

Doorways works hand in hand with our Moneycare financial counselling program to assist individuals to regain control of their finances. They provide early-education and prevention strategies for people who may be at risk of financial hardship.

Doorways, together with teams from multiple programs, are working at the coalface of community, partnering with individuals and families for a better future.

To access emergency relief contact the Phone Assistance Line on 08 8130 6188.


The Hut Community Centre Financial Wellbeing Support

The Food Pantry: Tuesdays 12pm- 2.30pm and Thursday 10am-12pm

The Hut Food Pantry provides fruit and vegetables, bread and staple grocery items at no cost to people living in the Adelaide Hills who are experiencing financial hardship.

This is a friendly and welcoming service staffed by a dedicated team of volunteers.

The Food Pantry receives a wide variety of donated and surplus foods from local food businesses and community members. We are sincerely grateful to Woolworths Stirling, Secondbite, Aldi Stirling, Coles Bridgewater, Bakers Delight Stirling, Aldgate Bakery and Stirling Fruit Mart for their ongoing support.

For more information regarding the Food Pantry or to become a member please contact The Hut on 8339 4400

Financial Assistance

The Hut’s Emergency Financial Wellbeing Assistance Program provides support to people living in the Adelaide Hills Council area who are experiencing financial hardship.

They can provide referrals to other services and programs within the community and access to their food pantry.

Unfortunately they are no longer able to provide food vouchers or direct financial assistance.

If you or someone you know has been affected financially by sudden unemployment, health challenges, disability, family breakdown or other circumstances then please call The Hut for more information or to make an appointment on 8339 4400.

Emergency Relief

Lighthouse City Mission

Lighthouse City Mission provide free food, clothing & community of support for people who need it in the Port Adelaide or neighbouring areas.

They provide free groceries, household essentials, clothing, a meal and/or just a cuppa & chat with the team.

To receive assistance through Lighthouse City Mission, please use their referral form through their online website.

Alternatively, you can call 1800 526 000 & leave a message for the team to get in contact.

Low Cost Meals & Meal Kits

Meals on Wheels South Australia

To start receiving fresh and fabulous food from Meals on Wheels is easy.

Anyone can refer a customer to Meals on Wheels including yourself, family members, friends, General Practitioners, healthcare professionals, community care providers or your local council

Meals on Wheels has no contracts!

You may be be eligible for a price subsidy through one of the following funding programs:

- Commonwealth Home Support Programme

- Home Care Package


Information Required

You need to ensure you have included meals as part of your nominated services before completing the referral process.

You will need to be registered with My Aged Care and know your My Aged Care account number and your meal code. If you have this information please click the arrange meals button below to start the referral process.

Not Registered

If you are NOT registered with My Aged Care, contact them on 1800 200 422 or online via to register.

Registered but no Meal Code

If you are registered with My Aged care but do not have a meal code, contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422, inform them you are needing meals and request a plan review for a meal code to be sent to Meals on Wheels.

It can take between 2-4 weeks for Meals on Wheels to receive this code.

If you receive the code from My Aged Care directly, you can click the arrange meals button below to start the referral process.

Every service arrangement begins with a phone consultation from one of our Customer Service Consultants.


Meals to Make Ends Meet Cookbook

The Cost of Living crisis has been making things tough for so many Aussies over the past months and years.

In particular, rising prices at the supermarket have made it harder for many of us to cook healthy, filling meals for ourselves and our families whilst sticking to a budget.

To help Aussie families 'make ends meet', The Salvation Army has put together a cookbook full of easy, no fuss, inexpensive meals that taste great too! It is called 'Meals to Make Ends Meet' and you can access it as a free e-book now.

Emergency Relief

Nunkuwarrin Yunti Emergency Relief

Support is available for people with immediate and acute financial needs, such as emergency accommodation, food and travel assistance.

The emergency relief service also provides support with referral to other social and emotional health services at Nunkuwarrin Yunti, as well as information, referral and advocacy to services provided by other agencies.

Types of assistance:

The following are examples of the types of Emergency Relief assistance that can provided to people in acute need:

- Transport vouchers and bus tickets;

- Support to access accommodation;

- Advocacy to negotiate with power, water and other utilities companies;

- Material help such as food hampers or clothing, occasionally food or clothing vouchers;

- Toiletries and personal hygiene items;

- Providing brokering or referral to other services to help to address underlying causes of financial crisis e.g.: financial counselling.

All emergency relief support is dependent on the number of items such as vouchers, tickets etc that are available.

Support not provided by Emergency Relief

- Payment of any type of fines and infringement notices (parking fines, traffic infringement notices, including speeding fines etc.)

- Payments to any type of lending agency or pawnbroker to retrieve goods (Cash Converters etc.)

- Cash payments

Criteria for assistance

- Exceptional and unforeseen circumstances that are outside of the control of the client and that require immediate assistance, or where funds are not able to be sourced from another agency are prioritised.

- Assistance can be refused on the basis of evidence of previous assistance within a reasonably short time frame.

- Nominal limit of 3 episodes of assistance per year where food vouchers, contribution to bill payments, or other significant financial assistance is provided

How to access Emergency Relief

To make an appointment, you can:

VIsit 182 – 190 Wakefield Street Adelaide, or

Call (08) 8406 1600, or

Fax (08) 8232 0949

If the Emergency Relief worker is not available when you call or visit, they will try to meet with you or phone you back within the hour.

Please be patient if there are a number of people already waiting for assistance.

Emergency Relief

St Luke's Church

Assistance Provided

Emergency relief is available in the form of food parcels containing dried food and emergency food assistance for singles and families in financial distress.


Must have a pension card or Health Care Card.

Assistance Types

Food and essential services

Includes locations serving meals, offering meal packs and/or vouchers, laundry services, access to clothing, and other essential items and services as a result of a disaster.
