
Victim Support Service

Victim Support Service (VSS) provides free and confidential support and information to adult victims of crime, witnesses, their family, and friends across South Australia. It doesn’t matter where the crime happened or whether it occurred yesterday, last week or several years ago. We have an office in Adelaide and offices in seven country areas.

Services offered:

- Counselling

- Court Support

- Victims of Crime Compensation

- Victim Impact Statements

- National Redress Scheme

- Staying Home, Staying Safe

Online Self Referral Form can be completed through the website otherwise direct all enquires to 1800 842 846


Southern Community Justice Centre

The Southern Community Justice Centre is a community based organisation that offers individuals a free, confidential, legal advice appointment with a qualified solicitor or child support worker. We can assist in a number of areas of law including Family Law, Criminal, Civil (e.g. neighbourhood / contract disputes) and Employment law matters. Ongoing assistance and court representation, where relevant, are provided at no cost to eligible clients who cannot afford to pay a private solicitor and do not qualify for a grant of legal aid.

The Head Office is located at Christies Beach, and free legal help is available for people who live or work in the Centre's catchment area, including the southern suburbs of Adelaide, the Fleurieu Peninsula, Kangaroo Island and Murray Bridge.

We also have regional offices and outreach locations in the Limestone Coast and the Riverland.

To enquire or to book an appointment, call 1300 850 650.

Regional office numbers are (08) 8723 1396 for Mount Gambier and (08) 8582 4998 for Berri.


Outstanding Fines Assistance

If you are experiencing difficulty paying your overdue fines you can apply for a payment arrangement plan assistance. This will give you more time to pay your fines and more options in how you pay.

You can avoid enforcement actions such as suspension of driver's licence or clamping of your car, if you apply for a payment plan using the pdf attached to manage your fines or phone to make an appointment for a face to face meeting to discuss your situation.

There are several ways to pay your fine over an extended period including regular smaller payments via direct debit from Centrepay

You may be asked to provide some details regarding your financial situation to help you find a suitable arrangement.



The South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) is a state tribunal that helps people in South Australia to resolve issues within specific areas of law, either through agreement at a conference, conciliation or mediation, or through a decision of the Tribunal at hearing. SACAT also conducts reviews of Government decisions.

SACAT strives to be accessible and responsive to user needs, and deals with cases in a large range of areas (or jurisdictions). Specifically, SACAT is the place to bring - certain civil law disputes or applications (landlord / tenant relationships), guardianship and administration, mental health and consent to treatment - administrative law disputes or issues, reviews of certain Government decisions (public or community housing decisions, land valuation decisions).

SACAT has a strong emphasis on alternative dispute resolution, using a range of approaches to achieve efficient and fair solutions to disputes and reviews.


Seeds of Affinity

Seeds of Affinity (Seeds) is a non-profit, volunteer run community group established by and for women with lived prison experience.

Seeds meets twice a week to check in with each other, cook and eat a meal together, access support services & learn some new work skills through making and selling skin care products and gourmet treats.

Most importantly, women at Seeds of Affinity feel a sense of belonging, solidarity and self worth during the difficult transition between prison and the community.

If you are a woman who is experiencing the prison system, you can visit the Info 4 Women for valuable information.

Seeds meets every Tuesday 11-3pm and Friday 11-3pm at the Semaphore Uniting Church, 146 Semaphore Road, Exeter with lunch provided.


Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman

The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) provides a free and independent dispute service for small business and residential consumers who have an unresolved complaint about their telephone or internet service in Australia.

The TIO is able to handle complaints about telephone and internet services, including by collecting any documents or information relevant to the complaint. They have the authority to decide the resolution of a complaint (the telecommunications company is legally obliged to implement) up to $50,000, and make recommendations up to $100,000.

Handling complaints about:

- billing

- contracts

- disability issues

- faults

- numbering

- privacy

- connections

- credit management

- disconnections

- land access

- priority service

- transfers

The website has facts, information and examples of complaints. Its worthwhile taking a look at some of the complaint examples to see if your complaint is similar to others listed.


The Law Society of South Australia

Are you in need of legal assistance but unsure where to turn? Look no further.

See a Lawyer Service

The Society’s legal referral service named “See a Lawyer” connects you with law firms who specialise in your specific area of need, in your preferred location. The law firms participating in our See a Lawyer service are equipped to handle a wide range of legal issues. Don’t navigate the legal system alone, let us help connect you with the right law firms for your problem. Contact us today to get referrals to law firms who can help and see the difference a dedicated legal professional can make. Access the service online any time or call us on (08) 8229 0200 (Mon-Fri | 9am-5pm).

Legal Advisory Service

The Society’s Legal Advisory Service offers you the chance to sit down with one of our volunteer legal practitioners for a 20-minute consultation. At this appointment, we will listen to your concerns, provide guidance on your options and help you understand the legal process. You will leave the appointment with a clearer understanding of your rights and responsibilities. Don’t let legal issues weigh you down any longer, schedule your 20-minute appointment today and get the direction you need. Book now for a minimal administration fee and take the first step towards resolving your legal issue. Call us on (08) 8229 0200 (Mon-Fri | 9am-5pm).


Uniting Communities Law Centre

The Uniting Communities Law Centre provides free, independent, and confidential legal support across South Australia. Qualified legal practitioners help you understand your rights and navigate legal issues.

They can assist with:

- Family law and parenting matters

- Minor criminal offenses and traffic violations

- Financial difficulties and consumer disputes

- Housing and tenancy issues

- Centrelink appeals and debt issues

- Advocacy service to help you navigate the NDIS, understand your rights and resolve issues.

- Youth legal services

- Community & neighbour mediation

Please note: The Uniting Communities Law Centre cannot assist with personal injury claims, business matters, or wills and estates.

Services are available both from office locations and by video/telephone call.

Please contact them to see how they can best support your situation on 08 8202 5960.


Women's Information Service

The Women's Information Service provides information to South Australian women online, over the phone and in person.

You can talk to the Women's Information Service about family life, relationships, domestic/family violence, sexual assault, safety, health, wellbeing, accommodation, financial security/independence, education, training, career paths and access to women's groups/events. The service aims to increase access to information that promotes choice and empowerment.

The Women's Information Services can also provide Family Court Support where a trained volunteer can accompany you to court and support you through the process. To access this service please read the booklet in the links below and contact The Women's Information Service by phone.

WIS Locations:

Ground Floor, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide

Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Women can access free internet on Grenfell Street.

Aldinga Beach Children's Centre

Evans Street, Aldinga Beach

Monday, 9.30am to 12.00pm

Tuesday 9am-3pm

Friday 9am-3pm
