
Women's Legal Service (SA) inc

The Women’s Legal Service (SA) Inc. is a community based legal centre providing legal services to women in South Australia. We provide: - A free and confidential legal information telephone service, referrals and representation.

Metropolitan Outreach service at the Southern Women’s Community Health Centre & other locations such as Port Adelaide and Elizabeth may be arranged on request. - Outreach services to rural, regional and remote areas including Port Augusta, Coober Pedy and the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands.

Community legal education workshops and seminars. - Law reform initiatives and activities that work towards positive key legislative and policy changes for women.

Freecall: 1800 816 349

Telephone advice lines are open:

- Monday 10am to 4pm

- Tuesday 10am to 4pm

- Thursday 10am to 4pm

- Friday 10am to 4pm

151 Franklin Street Adelaide SA 5000

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