
Refugee and Migrants Services

Several organisations in South Australia operate to assist refugees and migrants and can extend to International students and temporary visa holders, providing help in learning new financial systems and assisting with basic needs and support such as food through an Emergency Relief service.

These organisations have access to Financial Counselling and caseworkers to help individuals negotiate with utility companies, government departments. It is expected that these organisation will also refer to other community services as appropriate.

The Australian Refugee Association and the Australian Migrant Resource Centres are located in Adelaide and across many parts of South Australia.

International students can approach financial counselling services within the SA Universities provided by student services to access help.

Please refer to each location for more information about services offered.


No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS)

The No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) provides safe, fair and affordable loans to people on low incomes with no interest, fees or charges.

Can’t afford to replace your broken fridge? Is your car in need of repairs to get you to work? Many people have moments like these.

Money stress can make us consider solutions that might not be ideal. Renting appliances or getting a quick cash loan may seem like easy options but they’re very costly, with hidden interest rates and extra fees.

A No Interest Loan Scheme is a safer way to pay for household items or car-related expenses. Loans are up to $2000, repaid over 12–24 months.


We have financial and residential criteria. They are:

- You need to hold a Centrelink Health Care or Pensioner Concession card, or

- Your after-tax income needs to be $57,000 or under for singles, and $75,000 or under for couples or families with dependents

- You need to be able and willing to repay the loan

- You need to have lived at your current or previous address for three months so that we can see a payment history

- We can waive residential requirements in some circumstances – for example if you are experiencing domestic violence or transitioning from homelessness or incarceration.


After a brief conversation to see if NILS is suitable for you, you will be provided with a NILS Application Kit, which includes the document requirements and details of how to apply

To enquire about starting a loan application you can contact us on (02) 6241 0518, email or the Affordable SA Helpline on 1800 025 539.


Paper Billing Fees

Some companies charge customers a fee each time they send out a paper bill. If you can't receive bills electronically, fee exemptions may be available if you:

- are a senior

- are registered for a concession

- receive income support

- don't have internet access

What to do

Ask each company that sends you a bill and about their exemption criteria and how to apply.

If you have checked with a provider that you are eligible for an exemption, but are having trouble getting your exemption processed, please contact the Consumer Business Services on 13 18 82 from 9 am to 4.30 pm Monday to Friday.


PEACE Multicultural Gambling Help Service

PEACE Multicultural Gambling Help Service work with people, families and communities whose lives are being affected negatively by gambling or excessive gaming.

Services and programs may be available via face-to-face appointments or groups, phone, telehealth or at outreach locations as negotiated.

They provide free support services, counselling, information sessions, and resources to help you:

- understand the difference between recreational and problems associated with gambling and gaming.

- understand the impact that gambling can cause an individual, a family and the community.

- learn about available help services, and how and when to use those services.

- recognise the situations that trigger people to visit gaming and gambling venues.

- identify strategies to reduce or stop gambling or gaming.

- understand the impact of gambling on family and relationships.

- rebuild relationships with people who have been negatively affected because of gambling.

- address all types of debts caused as a result of gambling.

- regain control of finances.

- build personal confidence and not let the shame factor affect your life.

- use other support services when you need them.

- turn your experience into skills that you can use to engage in paid work.

Their Financial Counselling service helps you to:

- understand your budget and your situation and how to prevent further difficulties.

- manage all type of debts.

- deal with debt collectors.

- plan for mortgage, electricity, gas, and other essential services bills.

- understand and appropriately respond to legal action related to debt.


Rural Financial Counselling - Rural Business Support

Rural Business Support provides free, independent and confidential financial counselling service for eligible clients who are experiencing financial hardship, or at risk of, financial hardship.

Programs and services are developed to inspire primary producers and small rural business owners to take action to improve their financial position and to manage change, risk and business challenges. Qualified Financial Counsellors can talk with you about your goals and plans for your business, discuss risk management and other strategies you may have, assess the options which may be available and help to make action plans to work towards business goals.

A rural financial counsellor can help you with:

- Understanding your financial position

- Future projections and scenarios

- Exploring financial assistance options

- Preparing for succession planning

- Negotiating with lenders

- Planning for family meetings

- Referrals to other support including accountants, agricultural advisors, education, or counselling

This service is available to:

- Primary producers

- fishing enterprises

- forest growers and harvesters, and

- small rural-related business owners


Salvos No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS)

Salvos' No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) is a smart loan option to help you manage your money.

If you are 18 years or older, and you meet their eligibility criteria, you are entitled to apply.

You can borrow up to $2000 for essential goods and services including:

- Household appliances

- Car-related items (for example repairs, registration fees or driving lessons)

- Beds/mattresses

- Computers

- Certain kinds of home repairs

- Health items, medical and dental equipment or aids

- Cost of relocation, funerals or veterinary expenses

- Bond and rent in advance (for new lease only)

- Council Rates

You can borrow up to $3000 for:

- Bond & rent in advance

- Rates

- Costs associated with a natural disaster

You can apply for a loan if you:

- Earn less than

- $70,000 annual income (before tax) as a single person or

- $100,000 annual income (before tax) if you have a partner or dependants

- OR Have experienced family or domestic violence in the last 10 years

- OR Have a Heath Care Card or Pension Card

- AND You can show you have the capacity to repay the loan

NILS cannot be used to pay for:

- Overdue rental payments

- Living expenses (like food or holidays)

- Utility bills (Gas, power or phone)

- Second-hand or used baby items and electricals

- Cash advances

- Debt consolidation

- Payments for third-party private sale

- Used cars - refer to Good Shepherd no interest loans to purchase a car.


Saver Plus

This Saver Plus Program rewards participants with up to $500 in matched savings towards education costs including computers, books, uniforms and school excursions.

The Smith Family is delivering Saver Plus in South Australia and is seeking support from local community organisations which may be able to refer people to the program. Saver Plus gives people the tips, tricks and skills to make the most of what budget they do have available. It’s a perfect time to join Saver Plus.

- 85% of our past participants agree that since doing Saver Plus, they are better prepared to manage changes such as cost of living pressures.

- 28% of participants have had an increase in work hours or days and

- 59% of participants say their digital literacy has improved (and 87% of jobs in Australia need digital skills*)

* RMIT University report: Ready, set, upskill: Effective training for the jobs of tomorrow

Saver Plus is being delivered in 60 locations across Australia and has reached more than 50,000 people since 2003. It is an initiative of Brotherhood of St Laurence and ANZ, delivered in partnership with The Smith Family, Berry Street and other local community agencies. The program is funded by ANZ and the Australian Government Department of Social Services.

To be eligible for Saver Plus, you must have all of the following:

- Have a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card AND an eligible Centrelink payment*

- Be in school yourself OR have a child in school (can be starting school next year)

- Have regular income from work (either yourself or your partner)*

- Be 18+ years old

* Many types of income and Centrelink payments are eligible, see the Saver Plus terms and conditions for more information


Saver Plus Program

Saver Plus is a free financial education and matched savings program that helps families on a tight budget to gain financial skills, establish a savings goal, and develop long-term saving habits. As an incentive, participants can receive up to $500 in matched savings to put towards a range of education costs for your children.

You may be eligible if you:

- Are 18 years or over

- Have a child at school or attend vocational education yourself

- Have a regular income from paid employment (you or your partner)

- Have a current Health Care or Pension Card

- Receive an eligible Centrelink payment

You can call 1300 610 355 or visit the website for further information. You can also enquire about Saver Plus by completing an online enquiry form at the website.


ScamWatch - Scam Awareness Resources

A scam is an attempt to trick you into parting with your money. Most scammers contact people by phone or on the internet.

Scammers are experts in gaining trust but often there are warning signs. If you have lost money to a scam or given out your personal details to a scammer, you're unlikely to get your money back. However, there are steps you can take straight away to limit the damage and protect yourself from further loss.

Visit the SCAMwatch website below for where to get help if you have been scammed, tips to protect yourself and check for alerts about current scams being reported in Australia.

You can also report a scam on the SCAMwatch website.

SCAMwatch is run by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).
